Caroline Weir celebrated her ‘City-versary’ yesterday, marking her second year at the Club.

Technically gifted, composed and a scorer of sensational long-range strikes, the Scotland international quickly endeared herself to the City faithful, becoming a fan favourite.

The midfielder is regarded as one of the best technical players in the FA Women’s Super League but who was it who first sparked her dream? Whose shirt did she own? Who does she model her game on?

In the latest instalment of our new feature, presented by Hays, our super Scot reveals her footballing icon...

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“My favourite player growing up was Zinedine Zidane,” she declared.

“When I was growing up, I didn’t really know many female players to look up to, growing up in Scotland.

“My first kit had Zidane on the back when I was five or six and I watched all of his games for Real Madrid and France. He was in his prime back then.

“I remember in the 2002 Champions League Final when he played at Hampden Park in Glasgow.

“It was Real Madrid against Bayer Leverkusen and he scored a volley with his left foot – it came up in the air and he volleyed it into the top corner.

“I was six and I remember thinking: ‘That was sick!’ especially as he’s not left-footed as well!

“It’s quite a famous goal and one of those moments I remember quite well.

“He was my biggest inspiration football-wise.”

Regarded as one of the greatest players ever to play the beautiful game, Zidane was hailed for his flair, strength and balance.

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What was it in particular Weir admired so much about the fleet-footed Frenchman?

“I loved the way he played,” she added. “He was an attacking midfielder and he was such a classy player.

“Everything he did, he made look so easy and other players couldn’t do half of what he did.

“He was also modest, although he was very talented, and quite intelligent as well.

“He’s definitely someone I tried to look up to when I was growing up.”

Asked whether she tries to model aspects of Zidane’s game on her own, Weir laughed: “I try! I’m a little bit off!

“But I loved the way he saw the game and his technique.

“I’m a technical player and I would love to play a little bit like him, making things look easy when they’re not.”

So, has ‘Wonderweir’ ever come face-to-face with her idol…?

“No but I would love to meet him,” she admitted. “I think I would be a little bit starstruck – I’m not usually bothered about meeting famous people – but when it’s your idol, I guess it’s different!

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“I don’t speak French though so maybe we would struggle communication-wise. We’d just be sat staring at each other!

“It may be a bit awkward, especially if he has to attempt to decipher my accent as well so maybe it’s best not to meet him!

“If I did ever get the chance though, I’ve love to sit down with him over dinner and ask about his career and that goal at Hampden.

“He’s a manager now so I’d also love to know what he thinks makes the difference between a good player and a very good player, as a coach.

“I find all that stuff really interesting.”