One of the most gifted young players City ever produced, our former skipper picks his dream City side...

Over to you, Lakey...

Selecting this team was nigh on impossible, bearing in mind the number of incredible players that have graced Manchester City during recent times

To make life easier, however, I’ve decided to go for a post-1980s side.

My XI is schooled by the peerless Pep Guardiola and is a blend of youth, experience and world-class talent.

TC is my choice in nets, with his safe hands, trusted left boot and imposing presence.

At left back, I’ve gone with Clive Wilson, a technically gifted player whose pace can change defence into attack.

At right back I’ve opted for Pablo Zabaleta, for his tenacious spirit and his keen sense of danger.

My central defence is marshalled by captain Kompany – the ultimate leader – with myself providing balance on the left side.

My midfield is dynamite, I reckon, whether it’s Silva’s skill and flair, Touré’s power and pace, or De Bruyne’s passing and invention.

The incomparable Sergio Aguero spearheads my strike force, and will receive quality service from every possible angle.

Alongside him I’ve gone for Paul Simpson, with his deftness of touch from wide areas, and David White, with his whipped crosses that were practically unplayable for defenders.

From the subs’ bench, I can bring on the ever-reliable Brightwell to bolster our defence, and Ali Benarbia can add creativity in midfield.

If my side is in need of a goal injection, I can rely on Uwe Rösler to come up with the goods.

And finally, I make no apologies for my inclusion in this Dream Team’s starting line-up; there’s simply no way I’m sitting on that bench, Pep...!

Coach: Pep Guardiola

Formation: 4-3-3

Starting line-up:

Tony Coton, Pablo Zabaleta, Paul Lake, Vincent Kompany (c), Clive Wilson, Kevin De Bruyne, Yaya Touré, David Silva, David White, Sergio Aguero, Paul Simpson

Subs:  Ian Brightwell, Ali Bernarbia, Uwe Rösler