Pep Guardiola says he sleeps well at night knowing he has two of the best goalkeepers he could wish for.

Ederson has long been seen as something of a revolutionary keeper, able to make incisive passing under pressure with his fantastic technique arguably making him the best in the world with the ball at his feet.

Stefan Ortega has stepped in as and when needed this season, as well as being our domestic cup keeper.

The German has been superb whenever he has played and has clocked up 17 appearances so far this campaign.

“Eddie is the first option, but we rely incredibly on Stefan. We have in the past and the present,” said Pep.

“It’s good the injury [to Ederson] is not as bad as we expected - the ligament is not damaged, and it is not broken.

“We have had a long week - if we played midweek it would not have been possible to play, but I have to speak to Xabi [Mancisidor – goalkeeper coach].

“We have incredible goalkeepers. Scott Carson is so important in locker room - I have said so many times,.

“But we have two incredible two keepers – incredible - they are so reliable.

“I sleep really well with these keepers [to call upon], I sleep really well.”