Why always him?

Mario Balotelli: the mischief-making maverick, never far from the headlines!

Our eccentric Italian striker proved a constant source of entertainment during his eventful three-year spell at City - and we loved him for it!

Darts, fireworks and trips to Moss Side... you know the stories!

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Balotelli’s time in Manchester is of course, best remembered for his famous goal celebration in the 6-1 thrashing of Manchester United at Old Trafford: ‘Why Always Me?’

But the forward is also fondly remembered for his one solitary assist - the pivotal pass to Sergio Aguero for *that* goal against Queens Park Rangers - and a bizarre goal, which (let’s be honest...) only he could have scored!

Today’s winning #City30 feature, presented by Nexen: Balotelli’s outrageous shoulder strike against Norwich - nominated the most memorable tap-in...

A goal famed for its uniqueness.

With City leading the Canaries 3-1 and just minutes remaining, Roberto Mancini’s men were comfortably heading to three points.

But as ever, Balotelli wanted a spot in the limelight!

Receiving the ball on the six-yard box, he was unfortunate not to score at the first attempt as John Ruddy blocked the initial effort... but the looping rebound fell kindly for the City striker right on the line.

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Balotelli had plenty of options: head home, volley in or even let the ball drop in itself but of course, that would be too maintstream!

Instead, he cheekily touched the ball over the line with his shoulder before giving the crowd a knowing glance to the crowd!

That was Mario... audacious, atypical, awesome!

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Thursday’s #City30 topic: the best long-range strike.

Who unleashed a rocket to hit top bins? Whose foot was like a traction engine? Who left the ‘keeper grasping at air? Who nearly broke the net?!

Share your nominations on Twitter @ManCity using the hashtag #City30!