"Flair: A natural talent for the creative and occasional unpredictability."

In our latest instalment of #City30, presented by Nexen, we asked you – the fans – to share your favourite moment of magic: a trick, flick, delightful dummy or incredible touch…

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A piece of individual brilliance which had you out of your seat, applauding in admiration…

We had plenty of suggestions, as you cast your minds back through the decades, including David Silva’s sumptuous skills against Blackpool and Wigan and Kevin De Bruyne’s naughty nutmeg against Sunderland… but one outstanding spark of creativity received more acclaim than the rest.

Remarkable Rocastle

“Wonderful work from Rocastle. Ipswich had no answer to that kind of magic.”

Magic of the most mesmeric kind.

On 5 February 1994, when David Rocastle battled for possession out on the right flank against Ipswich Town, there looked to be little danger for the leading visitors.

Surrounded by two Ipswich men, there looked to be no way through for the midfielder – or so we thought. Trapping the ball under his foot to shield it, he faked to roll it back three times, drawing the opposition in with the dummy, before flicking the ball exquisitely through the tiny gap and powering down the wing.

It was an outrageous piece of skill which brought the whole of Maine Road to its feet and crucially, led to the equaliser, as Rocastle crossed perfectly for Carl Griffiths to sweep home!

An unforgettable moment which turned the game in City’s favour, as Garry Flitcroft pounced in the second half to atone for his earlier error (which had gifted Ipswich the lead) to clinch all three points.

A fabulous flash of flair still fondly remembered to this day.

Tuesday’s #City30 topic: the best team goal.

A goal beloved for its craft and creation. The perfect example of one-touch football to unlock the defence? The goal which involved every player? The move which simply embodied City’s philosophy of ‘beautiful football.’ Which one springs to your mind?

Send in your nominations on Twitter @ManCity, using the hashtag #City30!