Pep Guardiola says City will look to finish the Premier League campaign as strongly as possible against Brentford on Sunday.

The title was wrapped up last weekend when Arsenal lost to Nottingham Forest and the Blues go into the game against the Bees eight points clear of the Gunners.

But despite two major cup finals looming on the horizon, the City boss has no intention of sending a team out to do anything other than win the game in order to maintain momentum and rhythm.

“I’m going to play the game as real as possible see how they feel in terms of condition,” said Guardiola.

“We don’t want to take a risk. We take a team to win the game.
“It is meaningless in terms of points, but the way we played against Brighton, it doesn’t mean that.

“Brighton helped us maintain our levels and hopefully great for us as it helps us maintain the rhythm.

“The Brentford game will be different, the way both teams play. It will sustain the demanding effort.”

Guardiola added that the uniqueness of this season will not be lost on his players

“The players know the situation. The position we are comes once in a lifetime. Being champions of the Premier League again,” he said.

“We still have to play two finals and that doesn’t come every season.
“Once we are there, relax and enjoy it then do our best.”

The boss also says after the Brentford game, he wants his players to relax and disconnect as much as possible.

He feels that overthinking and interrupting the weekly routine built throughout the season would not be beneficial for his players ahead of the two finals.

“From my experience the best way to play finals, important ones, is to be as disconnected as much as possible,” he said.

“I have to prepare for the final and watch videos, but I think we have to play like a regular Premier League game to be nearer our best level.

“We have played the last month one game a week with two days off. We needed to disconnect, physios, doctors, and chefs.

“They are here 10 hours a day to work with the players and help recover from this stressful period.

“That’s why you have to go with your families, play golf and do what you want.

“Quality time to prepare for the finals. Train a few times, but just do exactly what we need arrive in the best position.

“I’ll go home with my family. I don’t forget, but with the players here I demand them to be ready.

“Family time, good restaurants. As for golf – no, my back doesn’t allow me!”