Academy director Jason Wilcox and City manager Pep Guardiola have both paid their own special tributes to our Elite Development Squad and coaching team in the wake of our latest and historic Premier League 2 title triumph.

The City youngsters retained the crown in thrilling style with a 3-0 win away to Blackburn on Sunday.

The result not only confirmed City’s Under-21s as champions once again bit also saw us enter the record books as we became the first Club to secure a hat-trick of PL2 titles.

It’s another magnificent achievement for Brian Barry-Murphy’s young charges coming on the back of PL2 title successes in 2020/21 and 2021/22.

The latest title success is yet further evidence of the superb work of the Club’s Academy set up.

And both Wilcox and Guardiola were quick to hail City’s history makers, paying tribute to the hard work and exemplary attitude of everyone who had helped make this latest success possible.

“To win the Premier League 2 title for a third season in a row is an incredible achievement from our Elite Development Squad,” said former England international Wilcox, a Premier League title winner with Blackburn in his playing days.

“We have once again fielded one of the youngest squads in PL2 and whilst we have been extremely proud of the superb results this season, we are even more proud and appreciative of the way this latest title has been won.


“Our Under-21s have once again served as the benchmark for the style of play we want all our age groups to adopt here at the Academy.

“Winning a hat-trick of Premier League 2 titles is another hugely significant moment for our Academy.

“And this latest title is once again testament, not only to our talented players and coaches, but every single of member of staff who works extremely hard every day to with great dedication to help deliver success.”

The Academy director’s warm words were echoed by Guardiola who has spoken regularly of his admiration for the work of our Academy across this season.

The City boss was also full of admiration for praise in the wake of our Under-21s’ latest stand-out success.

“I am so delighted for everyone here at Manchester City to see the Elite Development Squad made it three titles in a row,” said Pep.

“You cannot believe how tough it is to win this title once, so to become champions for three seasons in a row is an incredible achievement.

“It also shows the dedication and hard work that everyone in the Academy puts into their roles.

“Moments like this are very special indeed. I hope all the players and Academy staff take some time to reflect on this latest success and enjoy it. They should be very, very proud of what they have done.

“The way the team has played this season epitomises the attitude and focus of all our young players. They work so hard – with and without the ball – and have played some magnificent football all season long.

“I personally want to send massive congratulations again to Jason [Wilcox], Brian [Barry-Murphy], his staff and everyone who has worked towards this title.

“It’s a very special achievement – well done guys!”