The Treble Trophy Tour, presented by OKX, has just completed the India leg of its action-packed schedule.

Across the seven days in Asia, there was a whole hosts of activities and surprises alongside a screening of Pep Guardiola’s side’s battling 2-0 win over Nottingham Forest.

And City legend Nedum Onuoha was there every step of the way.

Read below how he found the trip in the first instalment of ‘My Treble Trophy Tour’…

It was an absolute privilege to be in India and to see how many fans really engaged with the trophies and the Club.

On the first day we surprised some kids at a local academy. Imagine if you were those kids who were playing just in the streets and all of a sudden you see four trophies. That was an incredible experience.

The next day there was a media frenzy. Everybody wanted to ask ‘what do you think for this season?’ and there is just so much excitement about the Club because we all know what happened last season.

It was one of the most significant seasons in the history of football and you can see there’s a lot of interest around.

We were then lucky to watch a tournament with local supporters clubs and it was one of the most entertaining football I’ve ever seen.

I even managed to get out on the water and took some pictures there. It was truly amazing.

We then had a screening of City’s win over Forest. The engagement was absolutely incredible. The joy in people’s faces when they see City and they’re singing the songs we’ve heard in England.


I felt very privileged to be there. Fans were loving it as much as I was.

We then started the final day by surprising OSCAR Foundation Young Leader Zoya by bringing the Treble trophies to her home.

It’s always a great experience to go around with the trophies and when somebody can be surprised by seeing them basically at their front door.

I think it’s truly amazing and she was so stunned when she saw me to start with and when the Champions League was right behind me that was a special moment for her.

As we got talking, she was surprised again as there was another knock on the door when three more trophies came through. It was amazing.

I get the feeling it’ll be something she’ll remember for the rest of her life and full credit to her family for keeping it a secret and I think in the end it was well worthwhile because it’s a moment she’ll never forget.

As a consequence that will only get passed down to other people as well.

I think it’s great the Club have the foresight to be able to come and go all around the world to find fans and see the people who do the best they can and to have a connection with the football club.

People like Zoya and the work she does is invaluable. We’re talking about the work they did during the pandemic as well. I think the fact the Club can even be connected to those schemes and positive people and also be able to take the trophies there is great.

Because you think once the trophies have arrived, you would think their pride of place would be in a trophy cabinet somewhere in Manchester, but I think the Club are really good at understanding that it’s more than just the Club.

It’s more than just a Club in Manchester and England, it’s a Club all around the world. Everyday I’ve spent here, the more I’ve realised its hundreds of thousands of people outside of our shores who have a fascination in the Premier League.

You see that with how far they travel to get the chance to see the trophies, to interact with staff. Whether it’s myself as a former player or staff who come and help with the tour. They just want to connect and be a part of the community.

It was great [working with younger children at the OSCAR  foundation] and it was also great working with the Young Leaders and seeing the impact it has on the younger children.

All the young leaders were so positive, they all really love the game of football and the message they’re talking about with no school, no football is a good message to have in this environment they’re in right now.

I think if there are kids if they do that be the first in their generation and families to do that. For the young leaders who are working with them to teach them lessons in different ways outside of the classroom, because not everyone can click in a classroom, but you can still learn lessons on the field.

I think some of the ways they were teaching about angles and colours. About teamwork, about how football is for all, it’s for everybody. You can see the impact they were having on young people.

They were hugely positive, understanding and accommodating to somebody who’s not from the same place as them.

They wanted me to feel welcome and as a consequence, to get the chance to see it, it was genuinely amazing.

Zoya leading the way with some of the other Young Leaders getting the chance to play football with them, now I can say I’ve played football on the continent of Asia!

It was amazing. It was probably one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my life. It’s something I’ll never forget and I’m sure when they have a picture with the four trophies – it’ll be a day they won’t forget any time soon.