"I’m not a big football fan, but it’s impossible not to become part of it and buy into the joy of City in the Community."

The words of Rebecca Blinkhorn whose son Mike who plays for City’s One Disability team at the CFA on Monday nights.

The story of how the Club’s charity helps her family is told in You Saw Me Standing Alone, an autobiography by CITC’s retiring ambassador Alex Williams.

Rebecca said: “We call it our weekly dose of self-confidence. To say it’s been life-changing doesn’t do it justice. It has enhanced Mike’s life massively; his school, his social skills and opportunities in life.

“To be able to have a conversation about football and know the rules makes such a difference to a boy in a playground who would normally have been excluded from that.

“He would never have managed on a football team. He couldn’t have coped with the emotion due to his condition. Yet, on a Monday, he’s on a team of mixed disabilities with his best friend Stevie.

“City gave him that chance to play the game and in no other setting would he have had that opportunity because he’d have needed so much help.”

*You Saw Me Standing Alone is published by Bucko Media Ltd on Wednesday, August 16, priced £15. Parts of the proceeds will be donated to City in the Community. Visit www.alexwilliamsbook.co.uk.

For more information about City in the Community, visit www.mancity.com/CITC or follow @citcmancity.