Carlinhos Brown has spoken of his excitement at being here in Manchester for our ‘O dia da Bahia’ celebrations.

Brown – one of the most prominent Brazilian musical artists of today and a Bahia football fan – will be the star guest for the game on Saturday.

His electric trio truck will entertain fans and bring the Bahia traditions to Manchester.

Carlinhos, who met with fellow countryman Ederson in training earlier this week, is thrilled to be here with the fans and relishing his chance to perform at the Etihad.

“To perform and make music and all of this inspires and puts me on a spot of humbleness, thankfulness and more representation towards the performing and musical arts.


“I’m here available for all of this magic and for sure Saturday will be a great moment for all of us!

“I’m in Manchester and I am so happy that I have arrived on a distant but so welcoming new home.

“This has become a reality and it was so positive when I arrived at City’s Training Ground and I saw a social construction equitable to my wishes for a better world such as the example of kids having the opportunity to discover their career, not only in football, but also in other similar careers that the game brings with similar care towards education.

“This is amazing, because Manchester City is part of the same world with the same social positive reflections that I achieve in my home state of Bahia.

“Not only the state, but also my team where hopes redouble for all the football talents to have better physical and psychological condition for all greatness the sport brings.”