Watch as Rogerio Ceni, Ederson’s hero, surprises him at the City Football Academy to chat about the evolution of modern Brazilian goalkeeping.

The Bahia head coach was once a Brazilian goalkeeper adored by thousands, including City’s very own Ederson.

As the two legendary goalkeepers caught up in Manchester, Ederson spoke about how Ceni, a ‘pioneer’ of the game, inspired his style of modern Brazilian goalkeeping - playing with his feet.

“I see myself in you when I watch you play,” said Ceni when chatting to Ederson in the City Studio.


In his 22 years at Sao Paulo, Ceni scored just over 100 goals in almost 900 appearances for the Club. His free-kick ability was mesmerising and so was his quick footwork when under pressure.

And now, Ederson has become renowned for also living life dangerously, often allowing opposing strikers to close him down before making a pinpoint pass or skill to get away from his opponent.

Watch Ceni and Ederson also chat about the past 12 months for their respective careers in the video above!