City's Croatian duo Mateo Kovacic and Josko Gvardiol faced some hard line of questioning from 14 Junior Members...

The young City fans were invited into the City press conference room to ask their questions to two of City’s summer signings. 

From questions such as which team mate would they want to be stuck on a desert island with to who has the worst dress sense and who was their idol growing up, the Junior Members asked the City stars some great questions. 

Another question that was posed to the players was “what are your top three pieces of advice to aspiring young footballers to be the best they can be?”.

“The first one is be humble,” said Kovacic. “Be strong in challenges that come in your career because there will be a lot of ups and downs.”

Gvardiol added: “Try to work hard everyday, just don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, it doesn’t matter if it happens, just continue doing your job.”

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Watch the full press conference in the video above!