Ederson has credited his impressive record of clean sheets to his City teammates.

The Brazilian shot-stopper clocked a century of City shut-outs in Saturday’s win over Wolves, reaching the milestone in just 212 games!

Ever humble though in reflection of his latest achievement, the 28-year-old praised the contributions of his peers, declaring the incredible milestone a collective effort.


“It’s a sense of accomplishment - not only for me but for my teammates as well,” he told mancity.com.

“There’s a quote I bring with me always that says: ‘When the team doesn’t concede goals, it gets closer to the victory.’

“And this is certainly right because when the team doesn’t concede, you are closer to the victory because if you win 1-0, it’s three points, a win. If you win by one or by 10, it’s the same three points.

“Usually, when we don’t concede a goal - whether it’s me, Zack or Scott - it’s the whole team that is satisfied.

“The credit is not just on me and the defenders - it’s the whole team: from the striker to me.

“Our team makes a very good high press - the strikers run a lot, the holding midfielders, the wingers... So the credit is not only for me and the defenders but for all of the team.”

Hear what the Brazilian had to say about his latest achievement in the video above...