Following the unveiling of the eagerly-awaited permanent tribute to City legends Colin Bell, Francis Lee, and Mike Summerbee, a new City Studios documentary is being released.

For 18 months, our cameras have been following the progress of this wonderful, uplifting project.

On Tuesday 28 November, the result of more than two years of planning, hard work and organising finally saw the light of day.

And on Saturday, 2 December at 10am, our new City Studios feature will tell the entire story, from inception to completion.

‘City Forever’ is not only the story behind the Bell, Lee and Summerbee statue, but it’s also the story of the players, their families and their lives as well as how the bronze masterpiece was created.

The CITY+ extended edition features rare, unseen footage and is not to be missed.

We will also have a free to air version on our website, app and official YouTube channel.

Play the video above to get a taster of what is to come...