Edu Castellano has joined Man City Esports as the Club’s first EA FC Pro coach and is looking to have as big an impact on the English eports scene as he has in Spain.

Edu and Matias Bonanno, City’s newest FC Pro Player, have spent the past two seasons working together and competing in the eLaLiga.

And following their success, which saw them win the 2023 eLaLiga Santander and FGS 22 Team of the Season Cup, Edu is hoping he can continue his triumphs and strong partnership with Bonanno in England.

“It’s been like two years I’m with him now and I really love working with because he’s a good guy and we are really good friends. So I hope we can continue this way and keep winning titles,” said Castellano.


“It’s going to be a new experience, a different country, but we still want to win as we did in Spain. So now we want to do it in the United Kingdom.”

And with the 2023/24 campaign on the horizon, Castellano is already hard at work scouting for a second player to coach at Manchester City Esports, alongside Bonanno.

“I think there are really good options now in the market,” said Castellano. “I think we’ll make the right choice.”

You can watch Castellano’s first full interview with City Esports in the video above!